Our upcoming events
This page gives you an overview of our upcoming events. Besides our regular weekly sessions, we also offer a diverse array of events including our consulate series, socials, and trips. If you're interested in any event as a non-member or have any questions, please reach out to board@muntum.org
If you'd like to meet us, follow our Instagram or be on the lookout for events labelled "meet us"

12 Sept. - 15 Sept. 2024
MUNSA 2024
Barcelona, Spain
After a blast last year, MUNTUM is sending two chairs and its biggest delegation to date to Barcelona. Because what is better than a MUN conference? A MUN conference accompanied by sunny Spanish weather and a beach in walking distance!
More infos can be found via the link below.

08 Nov. - 10 Nov.
Karlsruhe, Germany
MUNTUM will be sending a delegation to KAMUN 2024 - The Black Forest Summit. With diverse committees for all levels of expertise, the opportunity to experience the rich cultural and culinary heritage of the black forest region, and socials like a soiree and a rave. KaMUN ist sure to be an amazing conference.

05 Dec. - 08 Dec. 2024
St. Gallen, Switzerland
St. Gallen is notorious for great academic and logistic quality. One of the older conferences around, SGMUN exceeds expectations time and time again. Profit from their all-inclusive delegate fee, and don't miss the three MUNTUM members that will be chairing!
With many more coming :D
Some of our past events:
- Do., 12. Sept.Barcelona
- So., 21. JuliMunich
- Fr., 05. JuliHeidelberg
- Do., 20. JuniGöttingen
- Sa., 15. JuniMunich
- Mi., 08. MaiMünchen
- Do., 02. MaiMaastricht
- Mi., 01. MaiMünchen
- Mi., 24. Apr.München
- Do., 11. Apr.Burg Schwaneck
- Fr., 05. Apr.Menton
- Sa., 20. Jan.Maastricht
- Sa., 13. Jan.Munich
- Mo., 20. Nov.München
- Fr., 03. Nov.Burghausen